#crowley as ethan rayne
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The Contestants
Cherik (Professor X/Magneto) - X-Men
Fuffy (Faith Lehane/Buffy Summers) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Megop (Optimus Prime/Megatron) - Transformers
Curtwen (Curt Mega/Owen Carvour) - Spies are Forever
Thoschei (The Doctor/The Master) - Doctor Who
Perryshmirtz (Perry the Platypus/Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz) - Phineas and Ferb
Catradora (Adora/Catra) - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Soukoku (Osamu Dazai/Chuuya Nakahara) - Bungo Stray Dogs
c!TnTDuo (c!Quackity/c!Wilbur Soot) - Dream SMP
Spy/Supervillain - Genghis Khan by Miike Snow
Batman/Joker - Lego Batman
Wrightworth (Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth) - Ace Attorney
Batjokes (Batman/Joker) - Batman
Lawlight (L/Light Yagami) - Death Note
Bowiugi (Bowser/Luigi) - Mario
Stanarrator (Narrator/Stanley) - The Stanley Parable
Kidlaw (Eustass Kid/Trafalgar Law) - One Piece
Shuake (Goro Akechi/Akira Kurusu) - Persona 5
Cuttletavio (Craig Cuttlefish/DJ Octavio) - Splatoon
Gethan (Rupert Giles/Ethan Rayne) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Zosan (Roronoa Zoro/Sanji) - One Piece
ChellDOS (Chell/GLaDOS) - Portal
Jesus Christ/Judas Iscariot - The New Testament
Gwensuzie (Gwen Cooper/Suzie Costello) - Torchwood
Krisnix (Phoenix Wright/Kristoph Gavin) - Ace Attorney
Griffguts (Guts/Griffith) - Berserk
Hannigram (Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter) - Hannibal
Ghiralink (Ghirahim/Link) - Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Valvert (Javert/Jean Valjean) - Les Miserables
Abestache (Detective Abe Lincoln/Wilford Warfstache) - Markiplier Cinematic Universe
Sasunaru (Naruto/Sasuke) - Naruto
Jedediah/Octavius - Night at the Museum
Nami/Kalifa - One Piece
Gabv1el (V1/Gabriel) - Ultrakill
Kazumaji (Kazuma Kiryu/Goro Majima) - Yakuza
Zukka (Zuko/Sokka) - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Ineffable Husbands (Aziraphale/Crowley) - Good Omens
Billford (Bill Cipher/Stanford Pines) - Gravity Falls
Evelyn Deavor/Elastigirl - Incredibles 2
Jennifer Check/Needy Lesnicki - Jennifer’s Body
Kigo (Kim Possible/Shego) - Kim Possible
Sportarobbie (Sportacus/Robbie Rotten) - Lazy Town
Swan Queen (Emma Swan/Regina Mills) - Once Upon a Time
Hardenshipping (Magma Leader Maxie/Aqua Leader Archie) -Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire
Westley/Inigo Montoya - Princess Bride
Sonadow (Sonic/Shadow) - Sonic the Hedgehog
Plabs (Plankton/Mr. Krabs) - SpongeBob SquarePants
Kylux (General Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren) - Star Wars
Johnchurch (Merle Highchurch/John Hunger) - The Adventure Zone: Balance
Basigan (Professor Ratigan/Basil of Baker Street) - The Great Mouse Detective
LonelyEyes (Elias Buchard/Peter Lukas) - The Magnus Archives
Johnjack (Jack Harkness/John Hart) - Torchwood
Blicy (Bloom/Icy) - Winx Club
Riddlebat (Batman/The Riddler) - Batman comics
Shin Soukoku (Atsushi Nakajima/Ryuunosuke Akutagawa) - Bungo Stray Dogs
Snowbaz (Baz Pitch/Simon Snow) - Carry On
Komahina (Nagito Komaeda/Hajime Hinata) - Danganronpa
Wonder Woman/Cheetah - DC
Spamvil (Jevil/Spamton) - Deltarune
Rk1000 (Connor/Markus) - Detroit: Become Human
John McClane/Hans Gruber - Die Hard
Fenders (Fenris/Anders) - Dragon Age 2
Vegekaka (Goku/Vegeta) - Dragon Ball Z
Rapple (Apple White/Raven Queen) - Ever After High
Billdip (Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines) - Gravity Falls
Radiostatic (Vox/Alastor) - Hazbin Hotel
Sirdust (Angel Dust/Sir Pretious) - Hazbin Hotel
Fengqing (Feng Xin/Mu Qing) - Heaven Official’s Blessing
Blitzer (Blitzø/Striker) - Helluva Boss
Martha May Whovier/Betty Lou Who - How the Grinch Stole Christmas
ZaDr (Zim/Dib) - Invader Zim
Sarumi (Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki) - K Project
Metadede (King Dedede/Meta Knight) - Kirby
Gandalf/Sauron - Lord of the Rings
Island Husbands (Ben Linus/John Locke) - Lost
Metromind (Megamind/Metro Man) - Megamind
Sherliam (Sherlock Holmes/William James Moriarty) - Moriarty the Patriot
Bujeet (Buford/Bajeet) - Phineas and Ferb
Grovyle/Dusknoir - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky
Shassie (Shawn Spencer/Carlton “Lassie” Lassiter) - Psych
Rayaari (Raya/Namaari) - Raya and the Last Dragon
Tycutio (Mercutio/Tybalt) - Romeo and Juliet
Sherliam (Sherlock Holmes/James Moriarty) - Sherlock
Obikin (Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi) - Star Wars
Obimaul (Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Maul) - Star Wars
Oncelax (The Onceler/The Lorax) - The Lorax
Owen Harper/Mark Lynch - Torchwood
Lord Hater/Wander - Wander Over Yonder
Gelphie (Elphaba/Galinda) - Wicked
Cruellanita (Cruella de Vil/Anita) - 101 Dalmations
Angelo Lagusa/Nero Vanetti - 91 Days
Discotrain (The Conductor/DJ Grooves) - A Hat in Time
Klapollo (Klavier Gavin/Apollo Justice) - Ace Attorney
Wrightdot (Godot/Phoenix Wright) - Ace Attorney
Kaneda/Tetsuo - Akira
Sydney Bristow/Lauren Reed - Alias
Ellen Ripley/The Xenomorph - Alien
Zadison (Zoe Benson/Madison Montgomery) - American Horror Story: Coven
Sterling Archer/Barry Dylan - Archer
Y’all (The Poll Takers)/Me (The Poll Maker) - askeletonwar
Just Walk Out!/Papyrus - askeletonwar
Londo Mollari/G’kar - Babylon 5
Rampage/Depth Charge - Beast Wars: Transformers
Pinariz (Riz/Pina) - Beastars
Kunieda Aoi/Hildegarde - Beezlebub
Sebagrell (Grell/Sebastian) - Black Butler
Gus Fring/Walter White - Breaking Bad
Spangel (Spike/Angel) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Spuffy (Spike/Buffy) - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Winteriron (Tony Stark/The Winter Soldier) - Captain America: Civil War
Stucky (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes) - Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Carulia (Carmen Sandiego/Julia Argent) - Carmen Sandiego
Macavity/Munkustrap - Cats (1998)
Caius Marcius Coriolanus/Tullus Aufidius - Coriolanus
Dean Pelton/Dean Spreck - Community
Shadowghast (Caleb Widogast/Essek Thelyss) - Critical Role
Blumentrio (Caleb Widogast/Eadwulf Grieve/Astrid Becke) -Critical Role
Theopin (Lapin Cadbury/Sir Theobald Gumbar) - D20: A Crown of Candy
Hero/Villain - dannyphantom.exe
Clex (Superman/Lex Luthor) - DC
Babsquinn (Batgirl/Harley Quinn) - DC
Seavil (Jevil/Seam) - Deltarune
Rengoku Kyoujurou/Akaza - Demon Slayer
Mal/Uma - Descendants
Reed800 (Connor/Gavin Reed) - Detroit: Become Human
Ryokira (Akira/Ryo) - Devilman
Maxwil (Maxwell/Wilson) - Don't Starve
Nikki/Mackenzie - Dork Diaries
Gell/Frisky - Dot X
Dr. Horrible/Captain Hammer - Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
Count Dracula/Jonathan Harker - Dracula
Joan Watson/Jamie Moriarty - Elementary
Zerxus Ilerez/Asmodeus - Exandria Unlimited: Calamity
Gratsu (Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster) - Fairy Tail
Gary/John - Faith
Peter Griffin/The Chicken - Family Guy
John Crichton/Scorpius - Farscape
Emiya Archer/Cu Chulainn - Fate Stay Night
Angeal Hewley/Genesis Rhapsodos/Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII
Cidnero (Nero tol Scaeva/Cid Garlond) - Final Fantasy XIV
Willry (Henry Emily/William Afton) - Five Nights at Freddy’s
Victor Frankenstein/The Monster - Frankenstein
Cure Peach/Eas - Fresh Pretty Cure!
Haikaveh (Alhaitham/Kaveh) - Genshin Impact
Sugio (Sugimoto/Ogata) - Golden Kamuy
Nygmobblepot (Edward Nygma/Oswald Cobblepot) - Gotham
Mabifica (Mabel Pines/Pacifica Northwest) - Gravity Falls
Kagehina (Hinata/Kageyama) - Haikyuu!
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Postes vacants de End of Days
Sur End of Days, vous aurez la possibilité de jouer des personnages vus dans la série. Si ces versions des personnages seront différentes du point dans lesquels ont les a vu dans la série, en plus d'avoir la chance de se développer de façon totalement différente, nous trouvons sympathique de pouvoir voir ces personnages aimés sous un autre angle. De plus, certains personnages seront assez libres, puisque l'on a presque rien vu d'eux - comme Nikki Wood, vu dans de petites scènes durant la série, ou son observateur, vu uniquement dans certains contenus bonus hors de la série.
Nous avons également mis des propositions d'avatars, pour les personnages, qui pourront être modifié au besoin - de même en va pour les personnages vu dans la série; vous pourrez les changer en cas de besoin.
À noter que ces personnages ne seront pas nécéssairement plus importants que les personnages inventés, seulement des clins d'oeils sympathiques à la série d'origine qui pourront autant avoir une place dans l'intrigue que les personnage inventés :)
Bénéfiques Nikki Wood Feat. Yara Shahidi - La Tueuse actuelle. New Yorkaise. Fraichement activée. PRISE. Bernard Crowley Feat. James McAvoy - Observateur prenant en charge Nikki. Anglais. LIBRE.Angel Feat. David Boreanaz - Vampire avec une âme. À la recherche d'un but dans la vie. LIBRE. Whistler Feat. Jeff Ward - Demi-démon possédant des visions, travaille pour les Puissances Supérieures. LIBRE.
Neutres Li Feat John Harlan Kim/Bang Chan - Policier et petit-ami de Nikki. LIBRE. L'immortel Feat. Henry Cavill - Créature neutre doté d'immortalité et qui semble posséder un magnétisme. LIBRE. Rupert Giles Feat. Will Harrison/Josh Whitehouse - Du temps qu'il s'appelait Ripper, jouant avec la magie noir, loin des yeux du conseil des observateurs. LIBRE. Ethan Rayne Feat. Hero Fiennes-Tiffin - Ami de Rupert Giles. Amateur de magie, sorcier en herbe. LIBRE.
Maléfiques Le Banc Feat. Sam Claflin - Vampire à la tête d'un gang criminel. LIBRE. Dracula Feat. Claes Bang - Le même vampire sur qui tant d'épiques ont put être écrites. LIBRE. Spike Feat. James Marsters - Vampire maléfique, membre du Fléau, avec Darla, Drusilla et anciennement Angelus. LIBRE. Darla Feat. Julie Benz - Vampire, membre de l'ordre d'Aurélius et du Fléau. LIBRE. Drusilla Feat. Juliette Landau - Vampire avec dons de clairvoyance, membre du Fleau. LIBRE.
Ces personnages auront des profils plus complet sur le forum :) De plus, si certains personnages n'auront pas leur propre profils associés, iels pourront toujours être joué. Par exemple, Anyanka, Halfrek ou d'Hoffryn. Tant qu'un personnage était vivant.e durant les années 70, vous pourrez les jouer.
Crédit gif: you were myth-taken, tumblr.
#buffy contre les vampires#forum rpg#forumactif#forum fantastique#forum francophone#forum français#projet rp#projet rpg#buffy the vampire slayer
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The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, November 25th
PRINCIPAL: Buffy? BUFFY: Hey. PRINCIPAL: Hey. I—thought that you were, um— DAWN: Sick? She was. Oh, vomiting and oozing from various places and— PRINCIPAL: Yeah, I remember, so please don't go on. DAWN: Oh, but now, it's amazing. The doctor gave her some cream. BUFFY: (overlapping with Dawn) Pills. (Principal looks back and forth between them) And a cream. And I'm all better.
~~Bring on the Night~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
Being Known by Kean (abreathofsnowandashes) (Buffy/Angel, T)
The Chosen Princess and the Shadow Knight by KairosImprimatur (Buffy/Angel, not rated)
Not Like Before by buffytargaryen (Buffy/Angel, G)
The Red Gate by bluestarsandclouds (Buffy/Angel, G)
Side Mission by Taaroko (Buffy/Angel, T)
Overexcited by AmorousGreen (Buffy/Angel, E)
Angelus's Mercy: Part Two by MCorey1317 (Buffy/Angel, E)
My Rebel Is the Centerfold by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
My Rebel Is the Centerfold by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
Foregiveness Doesn't Come Easy, Chapter 7 by slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
Prolonging The Inevitable, Chapter 83 by Lotzofcanary (Scoobies, CSI crossover, M)
With Arms Wide Open, Chapter 15 by jaybird023 (Buffy/Giles, E)
The Windows of Babylon, Chapter 10 by 42_Noodles (Xander, Hellsing and Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler crossover, E)
When Ethan Rayne made Rambo, Chapter 7 by USKiwi (Scoobies, not rated)
Going Home (to a place we’ve never been before), Chapter 14 by curiouswombat (Dawn, Silmarillion crossover, T)
Fuel’s Aflame, Chapter 14 by wickedrum (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
Moments that Make You: The Hero and The Princess, Chapter 94 by myheadsgonenumb (Cordelia/Doyle, T)
Can't Salvage This, Chapter 3 by fatalfae (Buffy/Angel, M)
Dawn Rising, Chapter 21 by Luna_delCielo (Buffy/Finrod Felagund, Silmarillion crossover, T)
"The Sky's Gonna Open", Chapter 6 by lindseymcdonaldseyelashes (Lindsey/OC, E)
Buffyverse Flashfic, Chapter 9 by NotASlayer (Buffy/Anya, T)
Caged, Chapter 3 by Susan19 (Buffy/Faith, T)
New York, Chapter 20 by drsquidlove (Giles/Xander, M)
Cruel, Cruel Summer, Chapter 2 by Michaelt (Scoobies, not rated)
Breathe Again, Chapter 14 by Califi62 (Angel/Cordelia, M)
One Day You'll Know, Chapter 6 by HaleKent (Buffy/Spike, M)
New Blood, Chapter 10 by danu40k (Xander, Naruto crossover, T)
The More the World is Changing, the More it Stays the Same, Chapter 2 by the_widow_twankey (Angel/Spike, M)
Never Let Me Down Again, Chapters 1-2 by BuildMeUpButtercup_x (Buffy/Angel, M)
Transformed By Love, Chapter 1 by Buffyworldbuilder (Ensemble, Vampire Diaries and The Originals crossover, T)
Crash and Burn, Chapters 20-21 by NautiBitz (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Dead End Plots, Chapter 21 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Buffy 2.0, Chapter 16 by BlueZeroZeroOne (Buffy, FR18)
Embracing The Darkness, Chapter 5 by BlueZeroZeroOne (Buffy, FR21)
Transformed By Love, Chapter 1 by Buffyworldbuilder (Ensemble, The Originals crossover, FR15)
Cherry On Top, Chapter 2 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
Sims 4: The last rooms in my now completed sims 4 Sunnydale build! by mrsnikki88
Artwork: Buffy and Spike by isevery0nehereverystoned (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy and Dean Winchester by gleafer (Supernatural crossover, worksafe)
Artwork: Giles and Spike with Aziraphale and Crowley by fish3s (Good Omens crossover, worksafe)
Artwork: Eddie from The Fresman (plus other characters played by Pedro Pascal) by questionable-squirtle (worksafe)
Gifset: Buffy and Angel by muldery (worksafe)
Animation: Xander being roomies with Spike by pzyii (TW for suicide mention, worksafe)
Fanvid: Buffy/Angel by bluestarsandclouds
Cartoon: Angel and Spike seeing the Tardis at W&H by Paul Gadzikowski's The Hero of Three Faces (worksafe)
Fanvid: buffy summers | something to sing about by Snow Spirit
Fanvid: Buffy Summers | Rise by xxLowkeyTrashxx
Fanvid: Buffy: The Lucid Dream Acid Trip Fiasco - Part II: The Drugs Like Me by MyLoveableCrayon
Fanvid: Buffy and Angel - Maybe If I Tell Myself Enough - by JD productions
Fanvid: Spike | William The Bloody (BTVS) by The Rustry Lion
Music: Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Drag Mix by Craque
Music: BUFFY – The Vampire Slayer Drum Cover by Settled to Dust
Video: Las aventuras d estos pequeñines está comenzando by Alberto Ramírez Clar (Scoobies Funko pops animation, in Spanish)
Video: btvs talks to their younger selves by Kitties 'n Horror
[Reviews & Recaps]
The Gift by Girl4Music
Season 5 [of BtVS] has a lot of bangers by Girl4Music
Video: The BTVS Twisted Guide S02E01: When She Was Bad by Twisted View
Video: Buffy Review - 5x9 Listening to Fear by Reverse Angle
Video: Watching Buffy with the kids by Gambrilliant
Podcast: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Out of mind, out of sight by Bite Me: A Buffy Podcast
Fanvid: BTVS - Anya - Diamond Mind by Charmax recced by Priceless
[Fandom Discussions]
Angel's tendency to assume he knows best for everyone he cares about by all-seeing-ifer
Buffy becoming almost completely soulless by Aphony Cree
[Darla’s love for her baby] by Girl4Music
[Slayer origins and Chosen activation spell] by lesbianboyfriend
[Drusilla and Buffy not being intellectual enough for Spike and other diverging opinions] by venusmelody
There are like three categories with Buffy the Vampire Slayer by all-hail-the-water-god
Everything Spike did was always for love [anti-Angel] by jenny-from-the-box
What if Spike and Harmony are so unusual for vampires because Drusilla was insane by unseentravler
BuffyTVS/Marvel Fic Idea by widderwise
Reacting to Reactions! - BtVS Season 6 continued by Stoney and vampmogs
The Nature of Willow's "Dark Magic" in Season Six continued by war and peaches and magicisreal
Is it me, or was Xander done dirty? continued by MapleCourt
[Jenny should have warned Angel] by SignificantBerry3837
Parts of the show that give you chills by DinoBradshaw
Riley was so jealous of Buffy by MixPurple3897
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just thought of giles calling music bebop and immediately launched myself into an au that i did not ask for
#rewatching buffy and like#az as giles?#crowley as ethan rayne?#like....... maybe?????#btvs#good omens#book omens#buffy the vampire slayer#its niche posting hour again dont mind me#mine
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Dean’s List Fall 2018
NATCHITOCHES – One thousand two hundred sixty students were named to the Fall 2018 Dean’s List at Northwestern State University. Students on the list earned a grade point average of between 3.5 and 3.99. Those named to the Dean’s List by hometown are as follows.
Aberdeen Proving Grd, Maryland -- Adrian Borel
Addis -- William Seaman
Alexandria – Iris Barrera, Marquita Benjamin, Morgan Bryant, Katylyn Cox, Ashley Day, Qurshea Decoste, Destiny Dotson, Selena Elmore, KelVina Ford, Daryn Freeman, Maeghan George, Khloe Jasper, Leslie Katz, Taylar Lee, Kelli Leone, ShaKiyla Lindsey, Jimmie Magee, Madalyn Mayer, Lauren McLeod, Olivia Mosley, Lashanda Moss, Kellie Pebbles, Ragan Richey, Imani Ricks, Sydney Roseman, Kaitlin Roshto, Caleb Ross, Shakera Shorts, Kizzy Slaughter, Avery Tharp, Alexander Trotter, Hailey Urena, Alysha Walker, Christopher Warren, William Welch, Aalyiah Williams;
Anacoco – Alan Cosio, Danielle Egan, Elizabeth Guy, Andrea Halladay, Madeleine Hensley, Karington Johnson, Kelen Kay, Jason Ortiz, Clarissa Owens, Brooke Phillips, Amanda Sorg, Erica Wade, Emily Williams;
Angers, France – Sophie Podevin;
Angola – Ursula Poarch;
Arlington, Texas -- Samantha Bell, Devin Gipson, Charles Rogers;
Arnaudville –Bailey Dautreuil;
Athens – Ryan Carroway;
Atlanta – Jonathan Friis, Alexis Hanson, Peyton Howell,
Aurora, Colorado – William McCullough;
Austin, Texas – Skylar Besch, Ysmina Smith;
Avondale – James Brown, Mikala Clark;
Ball – Stephen Carpenter, Lauren Nugent, Vanessa Toney;
Barksdale AFB – Victoria Charles, Jeanine Matthews;
Bastrop – Anna Akins, Alisha Bolton, Haleigh Irby, Chadwick Jones, Haleigh Vollmar;
Baton Rouge – Merodac Beraki, Randy Blackwell, Rosa Campbell, Joshua Cheatwood, Peyton Clark, Emmanuel Dunn, Bryn Edmonston, Maisyn Guillory, Kelly Guillot, Melvin Hudson Misterie Jarrell, DJacqulyn Johnson, Elizebeth Ledet, Bethany Lee, Sarah Lovern, Madalyn Mullins, Mary Pourciau, Colleen Reese, Ethan Smith, Reagan Smith, Haley Sylvester, Sarah Talbot, Jessica Joseph;
Bayside, Nova Scotia – April Trowbrige;
Baytown, Texas – Norma Trejo;
Belcher – Jessica Herbert;
Belle Chasse – Hayley Barbazon, Alexander Melcer, Jade Talazac, Natalie Wilson, Annie Wright;
Belle Rose – Thomas Daigle;
Belmont – Jayce Gentry;
Bentley – Stephanie Hayes;
Benton – Haley Crosby, Holly Crosby, Jessica Gates, Joshua Johnson, Kara Knippers, Abigail Lauterbach, Hannah Schott, Daniel Scott, Ted Scott, Jadyn Sepulvado, Torea Taylor, Audrey Trujillo, Kimberly Umphries, Jackson Mathews;
Berwick – Brittany Vidos;
Bossier City – Christian Baker, Clayton Brown, Amber Engel, Sydney Gootee, Sydney Shannon, Austin Averitt, Alexandra Borrmann, Courtney Brooks, Abigail Castillo, Emily Cheatham, Lacy Chism, Caitlin Cover, Ri’Kaela England, Kelly Flores, Matthew Flynn, Kelsey Gallman, Candace Guillory, Rebecca Hickson, Jodi Hill, Anqumesha Jeter, Elizabeth Jones, Abigail Kent, Tina Kile, Marci King, Rebecca Markle, Arielle Martignetti, Claire McMillan, Brittany Morris, Kennedy Parson, Brittani Phillips, Khayla Pugh, Litzy Rivera, Kassidy Robideaux, Andrew Robinson, Rheagan Rowland, Jeffrey Ruiz, Elisha Scott, Hope Spaw, Brittany Spence, Tori Spraggins, Terrence Stewart, Susan Stone, Savannah Swaim, Benjamin Tanner, Avery Tibbets, Kortney Toellner, Jirneicia Ward, Courtney Wilson, Dominique Wineglass, Jennifer Woods, Nour Zeidan, Andrea Holley, Ashley Bennett, Ashanti Hill, Brittney Malmay,
Boyce – Bo Bowers, Sarah Hill, Amanda Land, Hannah Miller, Wyatt Miller, Miranda Perry, Ashley Smith, Jessie Turner;
Breaux Bridge – Blythe Duvall, Shayla James, Ashtin Mouton, Tyler Thibodeaux;
Brookeland, Texas – Morgan Horn, Paige West;
Brusly – Emma Wallace;
Buda, Texas – Kathryn Wristen;
Bullard, Texas – Brandon Duecker;
Bunkie – Brett Baker, Izola Williams, Kearia Wilson;
Burleson, Texas – Eric Neeley;
Bush – Saige Tassin;
Callisburg, Texas – Maycy English;
Calvin – Chris Price;
Campti – Destiny Potts, Stoney Slaughter, Alexis Smith;
Canton – Tiffany Cayson;
Carencro – Malik Babin, Destiny Kennerson, Jasmin Thibodeaux;
Cartagena, Colombia – Edwin Castro Frias, Jose Colon-Marrugo, Valeria Correa Meza, Victor Lopez Ramos, Romulo Osorio Herrera, Cristian Paez Geney, Daniel Racero Rocha;
Cartagena Bolivar, Colombia – Alejandro Dager Carrasquilla, Luis Osorio Betancourt, Saily Romero Marrugo, Valeria Perez Espinosa, Veronica Perez Espinosa, Ramon Sarruf Monroyl
Carthage, Illinois – Nicole Clark;
Castor – Kaycee Collinsworth;
Center, Texas – Chelsea Henderson;
Central – Christian Chustz;
Chalmette – Dylan Fuselier, Sara Mendoza;
Cheneyville – Fontana Mitchell;
Clayton – Glendalyn Boothe, Ruben Smith;
Cleburne, Texas – Patrick Murr;
Clifton – Toni Smith;
Clinton, Mississippi – Adam Moncure;
Cloutierville – Alexia Gistarb;
Colfax – Camren Bell, Alison Churchman, Mikayla Richardson, Evan White;
College Station, Texas – Jasmyn Hunter;
Columbia – Tyler Duchesne, Jackson McCann;
Converse – Zachary Faircloth, Nicolas Farmer, Ashley Forgues Brock, Skyler Laroux, Elaina Richardson, Noah Sepulvado, Ashley Sims;
Coppell, Texas – Jada Freeman;
Cottonport – Rayne Canoe, Zachary Gauthier, Justin Tigner;
Coushatta – Kori Allen, La’Zaria Clark, Elizabeth Cummins, Dillon Foshee, Jason Gross, Ashley Guye, Tawanda Johnson, Sidney Jones, Emily King, Jeremy Lawson, William Lee, Aaron Murray, Allison Pearah, Jon Russell, Amey Sepulvado, Carmie Williams, Caroline Wren;
Covington – Kayla Keys, Andrea Mier, Cathleen Oviedo, Etienne Blanchat;
Crowley – Alyssa Huval;
Cumberland, Maryland – Rebekah Apple;
Cypress, Texas – Alexis Gomez;
Dallas, Texas – Nadia Carney, Natalie Robledo;
Darrow – Micheal Douglas;
DeKalb, Texas – Jaquan Jackson;
DeQuincy – Austin Nichols, Hayden Robertson;
DeRidder – Carson Brown, Maygin Chesson, Alphonse Engram Ashleigh Fedderman, Bambi Hardesty, Michael Keeper, Dustin Lauderback, Kyla Lockhart, Kimberly Nolen, Don Prater, Hayley Richard, Shynikia Roberson, Mikalyn Russell, Lauren Taylor, Ebony Terry;
Deer Park, Texas – Patrick McDonald, Blake Stephenson;
Denham Springs – Caitlyn Cutrer, Caitlin Griffin Halle Mahfouz, Jonathan Rodriguez, Stephanie Ryals, Amy Thomas, Emily Williams;
Denton, Texas – Ian Edwards;
Derry – Hannah Antee;
Des Allemands – Dilaney Deroche;
Destrehan – Patrick Juneau, Kiera Robinson;
Deville – Kealee Anderson, Hailey Bolton, Alexis Dennis, Kayla Dewilde, Candice Dryden, Amy Henderson, Karlee Littleton, Marlee Paulk, Vivian Vallery;
Dike, Texas – Brynn Offut;
Dodson – Kierstyn Cyrus, Nolan Griffin, Lydia McGaha, Brittany Walker;
Donaldsonville – Natalie Landry, Madeline Sotile;
Doyle – Mackensie Ulrich;
Dry Creek – Kayla Mandelin;
Dry Prong – Jacob Boydstun, Sarah Desselle, Christy Gough, Alisabeth Lockhart;
Duson – Autumn Ritter, Lane Royer;
Duvall, Washington – Jason Smigelski;
Effie – Jaydan Perkins;
Elizabeth – Clyde Hurst;
Elm Grove – Gabrielle Smith;
Elmer – Jerrica Beebe, Mikayla Deloach, Halston Rachal, Joseph Rachal;
Enon Valley, Pennsylvania – Jennifer Smiley;
Eros – Alecia Smith;
Ethel – Abby Guillory;
Eunice – Carli Esters, Tammy Richard, Emily Deshotel;
Evans – Lakin Smith;
Evergreen – Shelby Riche;
Farmerville – Jalissa Loyd;
Ferriday – Shanequa Tyler, Dalenesha Wimley;
Fisher – Hayden Courtney;
Flatwoods – Jasmine George;
Florien – Gabrielle Bryant, Ashley Carter, Travis Cook, Faith Hopkins, McKenzie Kuhlow, Megan Lampkin, Noah Parker, Emma Ray, Ashley Ross, Elizabeth Squillini, Shari Wilson;
Forest Hill – Andrianne Dore, Rachel Humphries, Claudia Marie, Charli Stanley;
Forest Park, Illinois – Kimberly Murray;
Forney, Texas – Kaymi Wheeler;
Fort Polk – Laura Cerqueira, Amanda Dhondt, Jasmine Dyer, Clarrissa Lancour, Jennifer Lara Hager, Andrea Marquez, Clare Masa, Blaise Nkengafac, Madison Popp, Lindsay Romero, Shiela May Tabonares, Whitney Tipton, Christian Wood;
Fort Riley, Kansas – Breanna Bryan;
Fort Sill, Oklahoma – Iryana Burrus;
Fort Worth, Texas – Charles Gregory Meade;
Franklin – Chaqaire Jenkins, Cheyenne Smith;
Franklinton – Brian Geragthy, Aron Stephens;
Freeland, Washington – Paul Aune;
Fresno, Texas – Terres Anderson;
Frierson – John Rachal, Valerie Smith;
Frisco, Texas – Adam Trupp;
Gardena, California – Cole Llorens;
Geismar – Kristi Contreary;
Georgetown – Laura White;
Gibsland – Tyler Sneed;
Glenmora – Kristopher Devore, Precious Goins, Abbie Johnson, Megan Johnson, Nellie Johnson, Savannah Thompson, Tiara Baker;
Gloster – Kylee Causey, Jennifer Simmons, Johnette Whorton;
Goldonna – Alexander Guillory;
Gonzales – Addison Adams, Ryan Gremillion, Victoria Gardner, Legand Lilly, Corey Payne, Jamien Sampson, Zoe Tapp, Jaci Templet, Trencia Washington;
Gorman, Texas – Kourtney Seaton;
Gramercy – Amber Theisges;
Grand Cane – Nathan Graham, Emily Miller, Matthew Raybon;
Gray – Cassie Becnel, Tevyn Johnson;
Greenwell Springs – Katherine Bryant, Katherine Langlois;
Gretna – Chloe Johnson, Jasmine Myles, Trinity Velazquez;
Gueydan – Hannah Sedatol;
Gulfport, Mississippi – Tamara Benton;
Gun Barrel City, Texas – Colton Banghart;
Hahnville – Catelyn Errington;
Hammond – Andrea Hidalgo, Kaylon Willoughby, William Woodworth;
Harlingen, Texas – Frances Knight;
Harvey – Tajalai Evans, Christiana Johnson, Alexis Taylor;
Hattiesburg, Mississippi – Mary Mitchell;
Haughton – Matthew Bailey, Benny Broadway, Arneshia Brooks, Katelynn Edwards, Shelby Grubbs, Kobe Jackson, Kylee Jackson, Daniel Langen, Sarah Ledford, Nicklaus Lowery, Angie Nguyen, Jamie Phillips, Makenzie Rains, Licentra Randolph, Kaylee Swart, Valerie Taylor, Zoey Thomas, Logan Turner, Lomia Watkins, Larissa Wells, Hunter Woods;
Haynesville – Eriel Fields, Sabrina Sowell, Allyssa Dodds;
Heflin – Rachael Vickers;
Henderson, Texas – Andrew Blackmon, Christina Marie Colley;
Henderson – Asha Cormier;
Hessmer – Kaitlynn Burke, Laney Jeansonne;
Hineston – Richard Clark, Madison Morrison, Karlie Taylor;
Homer – Francene Ferguson, Shannon Rhodes;
Honolulu, Hawaii – Melissa Baker, Hans Andersen Tan;
Hornbeck – Sarah Ceballos, Jerry Hughes, Jr., Carrie Wilson;
Hosston – Alaysia Fredieu;
Houma – Kelsey Chauvin, Anna Gautreaux, Zoe Hebert, Dylan LeBlanc, Venessa McKinley, Sara Rebstock, Kyle Siddle;
Houston, Texas – Bruce Beth, Brittany Davis, Oai Lee Huynhl
Hutto, Texas – Tommi Long;
Ida – Madison Campbell;
Independence – Chloe Whiddon;
Iota – Morgan Gotte, Katie Latiola;
Iowa – Marvette Williams;
Jamestown – Kylie Knotts;
Jeanerette – Brandy Jackson;
Jefferson – Matthew Broekman, Codi Vernace, Amanda Wilburn;
Jena – Tiara Brown, Candace Decker, Jessi McNeely, Dena Ray;
Jennings – Emily Benoit, Destany Brown, Phillip Gotte, KaTierra Lewis;
Jonesboro – Natalee Gray, Tia Moore;
Jonesville – Rachel Eichmann, Kayla Robertson, Kameron Stevenson, James White;
Kalaupapa, Hawaii – Kamamalu Nishihira-Asuncion;
Keatchie – Brittany Miller, Amber Nash, Sarah Plaisance;
Keithville – McKenzie Knotts, Shleby Loftin, Cara Lorensen, Dominique Jackson, Jerry Parks, Deja White;
Kemp, Texas – Katelynn Messer
Kenner – Gennyfer Pena;
Kerens, Texas – Brandon Brumbelow, Diego Maldonado;
Killeen, Texas – William Hooper, Nathalohn Nanai;
Kinder – Teralyn Plumber, Stewart Wheeler;
Kingwood, Texas – Alexandria Bailey;
Konarskie, Poland – Elzbieta Iwaniuk;
Labadieville – Jacelynn LeBlanc, Logan Simoneaux;
Lacombe – Casey Casler;
Lafayette – Taylor Aucoin, Bailey Begnaud, Natalye Bradley, Javian Bush, Amari Carmouche, Joshua Delaughter, Shaniya Fuselier, Ashley Guidry, Adele Hebert, Bryce Hernandez, Julia Laperouse, Collin Monaghan, Joshua Monaghan, Sarah Palmintier, Christina Poole, Jordan Redd, Madison Weathers, Ireland Williams;
Lake Arthur – Nicole Andrews, Tuesdi Stipek, Hannah Worley;
Lake Charles – Rebekah Nicholas, Emily Roller, Isaiah Roy;
Lake Wales, Florida – LaRon James;
Lakeside, California – Amanda Lee;
LaPlace – Melvin Bates, Jalen Haydel, Jacob St. Pierre;
Larose – Nicholas Hebert;
Las Vegas, Nevada – Caitlin Schweighart;
Lavon, Texas – Berenice Bretado, Matthew Howeth;
League City, Texas – Kennedi Carter, Mary Gilbert, Emily Ornelas, Lacee Savage, Christopher Zirkle;
Leander – Karissa Boswell;
Leavenworth, Kansas – Anuhea Iyo;
Lecompte – Logan Cheek, Allison Williams;
Leesville – Dakota Abrams, Kimberly Alwell, Summer Atkins, Kaitlyn Bailey, Hannah Baker, Marilyn Brooks, Rachal Brown, Kaylee Busby, Victoria Carbaugh, Jessica Clare, Angie Culbert, Baylor Dillon, Raegan Dotson, Brandon Fredieu, Miranda Fulks, Ashley Garcia, Sean Grady, Morgan Hall, Britney Harvey, Kimberly Henley, Haley Hood, Kelly Kealaula, Zachary Keeton, Lane Koury, Samatha LaMonte, Daniella Lowry, Karl Marzahl, Kylie McAllister, Amy McKellar, Kelly Mitchell, Emily Moore, Taylor Newman, Joseph Orchi, Kaitlyn Pajinag, Victoria Perkins, Elizabeth Rios, Amber Rose, Chloe Rouleau, Destiny Sanders, David Santos, Erin Schwartz, Riley Shackelford, Brandy Sherman, Joseph Slaughter, Claire Smyth, Heather Snell, Alicia Stanford, Collin Strickland, Sydni Striedel, Matthew Ward, Marissa Weldon, Mikayla Zills;
Lena – Lashae’ Lucas, Courtland Smith;
Lettsworth – Meilyn Woods;
Lindale, Texas – Eden Cook;
Little Elm, Texas – Jasmine Ealy, Daniel Larin, Brian Lenox, Kaitlyn McCullogh;
Livingston – Chase Crane;
Logansport – Kendoyle Cox, Megan Holmes, Maci Martin, Charles McClintock;
Longview, Texas – Hannah Dunn;
Lonoke, Arkansas – Rachel Terry;
Loranger – Cambree Bailey, Jessi Dominique;
Luling – Macie Barrios, Nathan Roth;
Lumberton, Texas – Joshua Terry;
Mabank, Texas – Dustin Huffman;
Madisonville – Sarahjane Ladut, Bailey Perrilloux;
Magnolia, Texas – Kyle Moore;
Mamou – Melissa Soileau;
Mandeville – Maci Burt, Mya Holmes, Sheridan Smith, Jalen Willis;
Mansfield – Canessia Johnson, Samantha Powell;
Mansura – Beau Barbry, Magen Hegger;
Many – Chelsa Arthur, Victoria Barnhill, Rachel Bensinger, Toby Bruce, Maegan Burkett, Hannah Chanler, Patrick Colston, Sarah Cross, Timothy Early, Tiarra Frazier, Brittney Garcie, Emily Holcomb, Mayci Lewis, Jenifer Meadows, Athena Mitchell, Kasey Moore, Seth Ozsoy, Chelsea Parrie, Andrew Penfield, Heather Trichel, Krisha Williams, Tyler Colston, Sheridan Gowen;
Marble Falls, Texas – Sarah Lewis;
Maringouin – Laura Scronce;
Marksville – Olivia Johnson, Shelby Lemoine, Madeleine Morrow, Tanner Nugent, Mackenzie Stanley;
Marrero – Tara Brown, Jade Duthu, Dorothy Gioia;
Marshall, Missouri – KaNeeshia Gay;
Marshall, Texas – Sydney Swilley, Abigail Upton;
Marthaville – Dylan Daniels, Mallory Powell, Hannah Sattler, Frank Lester;
Maurice – Jenna-Clair Courville, Adele Vincent, Elise Vincent;
Meraux – Sophie Stechmann;
Merryville – Aric Johnson;
Metairie – Kathryn Bancroft, Anna Birbiglia, Taylor Crawford, Cameron Duhe, Mary Gaffney, Ellie Mandel, Andrew Pitari;
Midlothian, Texas – Rachel Fowler;
Midlothian, Illinois – Daniel Hlad;
Minden – Roxy Easley, Abby Greene, Peyton Gray, Fisher McLemore, Kirsten Sibley, Amber Slater, Asata Sylvas, Edoard Talamayan, Madison Tanner, Jordan Young;
Minneapolis, Minnesota – Jenna Carlson;
Missouri City, Texas – Cayla Jones;
Monroe – William Adcock, Allie Ellerbe, Jaronda Griffin, Parron Jones, Skylar Sorrell, Jarviar Wade, Brittany Wilson;
Montegut – Megan Pellegrin;
Montgomery – Morgan Bartlett, Morgan McManus, Erikk Sluss, Hannah Vercher, Michael Waxley;
Moreauville – Austin Dismer, Nicholas Jackson;
Morrow – Quaniqua Joseph;
Murcia, Colombia – Cristina Gonzalez Corchon;
Natchez – Jackson Carroll, Jacorrian Davis, Courtney Sarpy, Morgan Slaugher, Patricia Wise;
Natchez, Mississippi – Victoria Bradford;
Natchitoches – Adedayo Adeniji, Jordan Alex, Tyler Anderson, James Armstrong, Aaron Averett, Brock Barrios, Gracie Bennett, Gavin Bergeron, Ciara Blade, Keaton Booker, Charles Bouchie, Shenita Braxton, Taylor Burch, Deasia Burrell, Ladiamond Burrell, Morgan Burris, Ebone Burton, Kezia Butler, Savannah Bynog, John Byone, Maria Carmona-Ruiz, Kiondra Clark, Lane Clevenger, Kaia Collins, Leanna Coy, Whitney Crooks, Kenneth Darcy, Kara Davis, Kelsy Davis, Sean Day, Leah Deford, Trenton Downs, Ashley Dranguet, Peyton Ebarb, Virginia Falgoust, Daniela Forero Salcedo, Hannah Forsythe, Eric Fredieu, Katlynn French, Luis Gallo Quintero, Abbie Gandy, Jeffrey Goff, Samuel Greene, Julian Guerrero Acevedo, Laura Guzman Rodriguez, Brianca Hall, Valentina Herazo Alvarez, John Howell, Jared Hulsey, Emily Johnson, Zachary Johnson, Abagael Kinney, Lyndon Knueppel, Karlee Laurence, Carlomagno Leon Jimenez, Maya Levo, Alba Maloff, Brooklyn Martin, Paula Martinez Marrugo, LiZhang Matuschka, Tyler McCain, Michael McClung, Kristin McQuillin, Jasmine Milsap, Sarah Moody, Coy Morgan, Matthew Nelson, Jorgia Nevers, Kevin Nutt, Kiara Padilla, Griffiana Paige, Kenneth Penrod, Chaka Palm, Kevin Price, Shalondria Rainey, LaKendria Remo, Alejandro Restrepo Cardozo, Kierstin Richter, William Rogers, Maria Rushing, Chandler Sarpy, Gabrielle Scarborough, Natalle Sers, Anise Settle, Anna Sibley, Jonathan Simmons, Patrick Sprung, Josie Stamey, Nicholas Swank, Carosha Taylor, Samuel Taylor, Harrison Thomas, Enonedria Thompson, Margaret Thompson, Caitlyn Tobin, Austin Townsend, Ricardo Ventura, Eva Venzant, Lauren Vienne, Ryan Wade, Daniel Whatley, Thomas Wiggins, Sherri Williams, Rylee Wyer, Naoko Yoshida,
Navasota, Texas – Shelton Eppler;
New Braunfels, Texas – Charli Fouts;
New Iberia – Tara Bonvillain, Kyrsten Freyou, Jacob Gary, Jeannette Hardy, Nicole Moore, Madison Romero, Alexis Trosclair;
New Llano – Laura Cowell, Sylvia Milerski, Dennis Stein, Collar Wilson;
New Orleans – Faith Burke, RyShaneka Kirsh, Trevor Morgan, Gloria Smyly, Rishard Winford;
Noble – Savannah Anderson, Landen Funderburk, Joshua Ray;
Nolensville, Tennessee – Joseph Tappel;
Norfolk, Virginia – Samantha Broughton;
North Richland Hills, Texas – Cody Germany;
North York, Ontario – Alexander Comanita;
Oakdale – Clayton Ashworth, Staci Brown, Kirstin Richard;
Olla – Morgan Barbo, Cierra Evans, Tanner Terrell;
Opelousas – Jordan Brisco, Kenya Gradnigo, Amy Levier, Sheridan Mayo, Kayla Pitre;
Paincourtville – Hannah Brister;
Panama City, Florida – Adam Normand;
Paradis – Kaitlyn Dunn, Kallie Lutz;
Pearland, Texas – Clent Jones;
Pineville – Victoria Bordelon, Raegan Brocato, Kaitlyn Burns, Taylor Campbell, Caitlin Crawford, Deanna Daniel, Katlin Ernst, Victoria Gambino, Brooke Gongre, Kaitlyn Jackson, Landon King, Laura Lachney, Carlee Lake, Jeffery Lepage, Emily Litton, James Perry, Cinnamon Player, Hannah Pusateri, Diane Richey, Rachel Rudd, Amaria Sapp, Jordan Sensat, Micah St. Andre, Reygan Taylor, Jaclyn Whatley, Rodney Williams;
Plain Dealing – Nicholas Cason;
Plano, Texas – Asher Van Meter;
Plaucheville – Matthew Armand;
Pleasant Hill – Makenzi Patrick, Yasmine Maxie;
Pollock – Tanner Brazil, Erika Clark, Dalton Kopp, Samantha Wilber,
Pollok, Texas – Katelyn Boles;
Ponchatoula – Kaitlyn Hawkins;
Port Allen – Kennedy Cullen, Evan Daigle, Samantha Moses;
Port Barre – Lauren Deville, Skylar Guidroz, Kirsten Sonnier;
Prairieville – Donesha Blount, Lauren Breaux, Claire Credeur, Chloe Lambert, Kyle Munson, Ellise Vice, Derek Walle, Brady Wilson;
Princeton – Micah Larkins, Alyssia Mobley, Katelyn Nattin, Ariell Shield;
Provencal – Rachel Head, Christopher Jennings, Samantha Toro;
Puyallup, Washington – Aine Oh;
Quitman – Cassie Tucker;
Raceland – Paige Parks, DQuincy McGuire;
Rayne – Bailey Beard, Bishop Breaux;
Rayville – Emily Rawls, Terry Rogers, Leslie Sharbono;
Reno, Nevada – Olivia Marazzo, Sydney Oren;
Richardson, Texas – Riley Cantrell, Lauren-Ashley Clarke;
Ringgold – Joseph Hays, Terreny Langford, Lauren Nelson, Olivia Prado, Aileecia Tipton, Darrion Sims, Caleb Vining, Tyler Weathers;
River Ridge – Alexander Thibodeau, Taylor Young;
Robeline – Chad Berly, Jonathan Chism, Hunter DuBois, Alecia Eddleman, Kelsey Elkins, Hannah Hennigan, Richard McCollum, Morgan Neugent, Ember O’Bannon, Megan Palmer, Lillian Rachal, Tyler Tousek, Jeffrey Watley;
Rosepine – Emilee Johnson;
Rosharon, Texas – Whitney Washington;
Ruston – Irene Hild, Lara Schales, Jamesha Woods;
Saint Amant – Kylie Nix;
Saint Bernard – Emily Snyder;
Saint Francisville – Robert Burke, Claire Leming, Ryan Reed;
Saint Gervais la Foret, France – Marcelline Poitevin;
Saint Martinville – Chaselyn Lewis;
Saline – Isabella Jones, Malayna Poche;
San Antonio, Texas – Hayden Brown, Paris Finkbeiner, Kelli Gamble;
San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Colombia – Jose Bustillo Aguero, Cesia Corrales, Bella Trimino Gutierrez;
Saratoga, Arkansas – Christie Sain;
Scott – Hannah Durgin, Taylor Joseph;
Scurry, Texas – Rebecca Blackshear;
Shantow City, China – Zhixin Lin;
Shongaloo – Kayla Mouser;
Shreveport – DayJah Alexander, Maria Awwad, Shakendra Bailey, Erin Batts, Antanae Baylock, JiKeeriya-Jontay Bowden, Rakeisha Brown, Anquaneshia Burnham, Kaylan Campbell, Neeley Caudle, Kesherion Collins, Hannah Crnkovic, Kendall Crosby, April Daniels, Joslyn Davis, Destiny Deal, Kevin Denks, Kimberly Dennis, Kaitlyn Doyal, Chenara Dredden, Laura Mary-Katherine Duhon, Shalanda Duncan, Reagan Escude, Chloe Farrar, Jenna Fielder, Sterlin Foster, Jamie French, Tyler Gardner, JaSae Gatlin, Rayvin Gaudet, Evan Gibson, Karina Goodnight, Lauren Gore, Ashleigh Grace, Anna Green, Elaina Guerrero, Matthew Haltom, Jennifer Hardey, Regyne Hardy, Kelsey Harlow, Madison Harper, Kimberly Housley, Shleby Hunter, Madyson Istre, Jazzmine Jackson, Caitlin Johnson, Carly Johnson, Christopher Johnson, Jada Johnson, Zachary Johnson, William Mahoney, Caitlyn Malloy, LaTonya Martin, Aysia Mills, Acquiria Mitchell, Dylan Molenhour, Shanautica Montgomery, Kelly Moody, Kendall Murray, Aaron Navarre, Hannah Nicholls, Olivia Noonan, Annabelle Parker, Soleil Paterson, Mary Murray, Michael Phelps, Hayden Pilcher, Laura Pritchard, Bailey Rech, Nahjee Reid, Mallori Sanders, Kendall Sanford, Angelica Satcher, Yuriana Sauseda, Katherine Sawyer, Lawson Scott, Cynthia Shahriar, Shermaine Shorter, Mary Sibley, Ciara Sipes, Richard Sloan, Jessica Sowers, Lindsey Sullivan, Jordan Taylor, Joyce Taylor, Rodnisha Terry, Anne Tibbit, Chloe Vance, Kayla Waller, Lajayda Williams, Suzanne Williams, Kristy Wilson, Jonathan Zavalydriga;
Simmesport – Olivia Draper, Taylor Myers;
Simpson – David Marquis, Christina Snider;
Singer – Emily Smith;
Slidell – Rikki Ayers, Brittany Brooks, Jacqueline Coleman, Shakera Dixon, Jordan Garcia, Thomas Garner, Claire Harvey, William Jensen, Tristan Johnson, Allyssa Marshall, Isabel Melhado, Kha Nguyen, John Norvel, Theresa Sharp, Raina Woods;
Spain – Judit Castillo Gargallo;
Spring, Texas – Victoria Harris;
St. Francisville – Emeria Jones;
St. Martinville – Cassandra Zenon;
Starks – Sara Hyatt, Melina Royer;
Stonewall – Carolyn Davlin, Emmy Hinds, Tobert Mcallen, Hunter Tuck, Jonathan Perot, Hunter Tuck;
Sulphur – Andrina Ferguson, Madeline Fortenberry, Derek Henry, Helen-Lois Mancil, Trevor Molitor, Elisabeth Perez, Makenzie Simon, Justin Sittig, Andrew Stephens, Shelby Sullivan, Sonya Wren;
Sunset – Deandra Eaglin, Sonia Vidrine;
Talihina, Oklahoma – Heidi Couch;
Taylor, Texas – Jake English;
Texarkana, Texas – Sydney Cowgill, Cody Hambly, Jasmine Neal;
Texarkana, Arkansas – Monique Walker, Kenneth Williams;
Thibodaux – Beth Olin, Cierra Winch;
Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania – Brianna Morosco;
Trout – Harley Lisenby, Kalee McGuffee;
Tupelo, Mississippi – Bailey Griffin;
Vidalia – Charles Johnson, Brittany Kennedy;
Ville Platte – Regan Hazelton;
Vinton – Shae Cramer, Kelsie Rayon, Madison Zaunbrecher;
Vivian – Jaylon Berry, Hannah Campbell, Chase Lewis;
Warrenton, Virginia – Melissa Martinez;
Washington – Madelyn Dupont, Ambrieanna Lazard;
Waskom, Texas – Mary Alexander, Blakely Canfield;
Waynesboro, Mississippi – David Hodo;
Welsh – Edna Hofmann, Daniel Menard;
West, Texas – Nathan Nors;
West Monroe – Abigail Beck, Brandy Chapman, Alexandra Clack, Kirstin Elrod, Brianna Fife, Evelyn Maguire, Cassandra Phillips, Candyce Steele, Melissa Taylor, Syroi Webb, Christopher Wynn;
Westwego – Tja’h Edwards;
Wills Point, Texas – Rebekah Clark;
Winnfield – Jermesia Anderson, Taylor Burnett, Mia County, Ashlyn Duck, Rhonda Duff, Jourdan Fitzgerald, Hunter Johnson, Kayla Jones, Caitlyn Martin, Tenisha Phillips, Avonna Wilson;
Winnsboro – Samantha Browning, Hunter Cooper, Darrel Doyle, A’Lexus Johnson;
Winter Springs, Florida – Justin Garretson;
Youngsville – Blair Fontenot, Charli Fontenot, Brette Reaux, Isabelle Vivien;
Zachary – Lydia Johnson, Chasity Matthews, Demetriona Goudeau;
Zwolle – Kierstyn Cartinez, Hillary Charles, Michantwana Lacey, Courtney McDaniel, Holly Laroux, Konner Parrie, Treveon Perrty, Marcelina Remedies;
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List of URLs I have saved if any of my lovely beautiful followed have any need for them because I have this crazy obsession with URLs
Angel ( from btvs/ats ) annericeroutiine, cryptiicguy, broodyiimmortal, deadonia, sotortured, hadabicentennial Cordelia Chase vapiidwhore, canthavelayers, defendingchamp, misshigherpower, Crowley atemytailor Elijah Mikaelson sentiimentalfool, righteousoriginal, positivelygifted Ethan Rayne worshipchaos Faith Lehane kindashaky, nicerightcross, pluckyfighter, wantedfugiitive, zestyslayer Glory ( from btvs ) bitchdimension, brightestgod Rupert Giles personalitystat, givemeascone, hatebrei, clearlyright, allergictolate Hayley Marshall mommyhybrid Jeremy Gilbert notpocahontas, ghcstwhisperer, pillpusherpunk, impertinentpunk The Joker totalmegalomaniac Katherine Pierce psychotiicbitch Kevin Ball gotamagicdick Klaus Mikaelson papahybriid, feelingbenevolent, freeofremorse, notalight Lorelei Gilmore prettyspinster Oz ( from btvs ) ataciturnman, ironicdetachmentguy, livinggroupiefree, mrtestscores, withhummas Sara Manning feralmutt Kendra Young personalityremoval, Xander Harris dontspeaklatin, stopwiththehecate, ofzeppo, verynotpathetic Drusilla lovemyinsides Spike justenoughkill, loveagoodslaughter, peroxiidepest, chiiphead Willow Rosenburg droppedanvils, willowycharms, darthrosenburg Stefan Salvatore saidthemartyr, saiintstefan, idonthug, kingofmoderation, dontdopeople, bunnysnacking Alaric Saltzman professorbourbon Bonnie Bennett sensingseattle, judgingagain Caroline Forbes crazyneurotic, goodatcontrol, worseatduplicity, blondefrememy, bitchytwit Elena Gilbert compassionsouled, Kelly Donovan vodkathankgod Matt Donovan captainresponsible Rebekah Mikaelson morallyquestionable Silas ( from tvd ) stefanganger, preversejoy Haley James ( from oth ) almanacgirl Meredith Grey ( from Grey’s Anatomy ) lustyintern, goodgrey Alex Karev ( from Grey’s Anatomy ) cptvaginasquad, mcdoucheface, drdouchegace Izzy Stevens ( from Grey’s Anatomy ) staplesoverstitches, doctormodel, cancerwife Faye Chamberlin feelingslinky Jackson Whittemore seekingjuice, haswings Stiles sarcasmdefensed
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If anybody ever needs a url for an Angel, Cordelia, Crowley, Elijah, Ethan Rayne, Faith, Fiona Gallagher, Gemma Teller, Giles, Jeremy Gilbert, The Joker, Katherine Pierce, Kevin Ball, Lexi Branson, Lorelei Gilmore, Matt Donovan, Oz, Sarah Manning, Kendra (from BTVS), Drusilla, Spike, Willow, Xander, Amy Madison, or Stefan Salvatore blog, I got them. .....I may have a problem with saving URLs.....
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The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, August 7
WILLOW: You can't stop this. XANDER: Yeah, I get that. It's just, where else am I gonna go? You've been my best friend my whole life. World gonna end ... where else would I want to be?
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
Larbor (crossover with Batman, Buffy, Suitable for people over 13) by Beriaearwen
Plans, Records, and Secrets (crossover with Stargate SG-1, Riley, Sam Finn, Scoobies, FR13 and up) by Indra Leigh
I Know My Watcher Loves Me (crossover with A Different World, Rona, PG/FR-13) by Vashti (tvashti)
Movies and Plans (crossover with Stargate SG-1, Xander, Riley, FR13 and up) by Indra Leigh
Here Be Chaos (crossover with Wandavision, Scoobies, PG) by Glitterangelem
Getting to Know You (crossover with The Witcher, Dawn, Gen) by starshinedown
A Normal Girl In A Special World (Faith & Dawn, G) by yvochrali
Into The Woods rewrite (Riley, T) by RogueVader1996
Talking with the Dead (Spike & Joyce, G) and nine other ficlets (mostly gen, various characters, rated G) archived by RonneeM
Grave (Willow/Buffy, G) by yelenasbangs
The Hanged Man (Drusilla/Spike, T) by Coldest_Fire
you're too intact (Giles/Ethan, E) by Via Maynard Crowley Whitmore
heaven, make me an offer (Spike/Buffy, Scoobies, E) by SummerFrost
I Fought the World for Your Hand (Give My New Body a Chance) (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by resignedlybeneaththesky
Thankful (Spike/Buffy, R) by Blackmysteria
It Started with a Catering Job ... (Spike/Buffy, R) by rkm
[Chaptered Fiction]
Buffy's Evolution, Stage 4 and Stage 5 (crossover with the MCU, Buffy, FR-13) by mmooch
Burning Bright, Chapter 2 (crossover with The Walking Dead, Buffy, Gen / Teen) by 3am_moonlight (MirroredIllusions)
Faith Sheppard, Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 (crossover with Stargate: Atlantis, Faith, PG/FR13/K+) by hermione2be
Theo and Scavenger Hunt (crossover with Doctor Who and other fandoms, Joyce, FR-18) by acswatwst (acs)
Dromomania – n. Compulsive Traveling (crossover with The Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir, Buffy, Suitable for people over 13) by Beriaearwen
One Foot In Front Of The Other: Buffy vs Wraith, Part 5 (crossover with Stargate Atlantis, Buffy, Gen / Teen) by 3am_moonlight (MirroredIllusions)
Shadowed Suspicion, Chapter 209 (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure AU, Xander, Teen) by madimpossibledreamer
Guardian Doyle, Chapter 1 (Cordelia/Doyle, Angel & Doyle, not rated) by GM3
Blood and Bone Didn’t Make Our Home, Chapter 1 (Tara & Spike, Spike/Buffy, teen & up) by resignedlybeneaththesky
Crossroads, Chapter 2 (Spike/Buffy, PG-13) by spikelus
The Sphere, Chapter 17 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Coraline
Young at Heart, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
Beautiful Dangerous Chaos, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
Hot in the City, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by MissLuci
Meet Me at Midnight, Chapter 26 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Dusty
The Hidden Truth, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, Ethan Rayne, R) by Roboticghost
Field of Hopes and Fears, Chapter 3 (Spike/Buffy, R) by untouchable
How it started, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, PG) by relurker
Eternal Mark, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, R) by sandy_s
Blood and Black Lace, Chapter 23 (Spike/Buffy, R) by SlayrGrl
Loose Ends, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, R) by EllieRose101
A Little Night Chaos, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, PG-13) by the_big_bad
If I Loved You Less, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by MillenialCryBaby
Mavericks, Chapter 5 (Spike/Buffy, PG-13) by Vogon Poet
[Images, Audio & Video]
Artwork: Icons from behind-the-scenes photos of the cast (worksafe) by seriesluticons
Artwork: Buffy (worksafe) by tothetoonandback
Artwork: My self-drafted cross stitch pattern of the Buffy series (ensemble, worksafe) by Wankeritis
Artwork: The Wish (vampire Willow, worksafe) by tmcarlee
[Reviews & Recaps]
Fighting over s6 is so dumb [the question is what resonates with you] by emmathompsonegot
if season 5 isn’t ur favourite buffy season ur just wrong it literally has everything [and commentary on all other seasons] by jaangf
Discussion of AtS 4.02 "Ground State" (cont'd) by Stake fodder, thrasherpix
Discussion of AtS 4.01 "Deep Down" by Stake fodder
BOOM! Buffy the Vampire Slayer #28 (cont'd) by multiple authors
Season 1 highlights (cont'd) by American Aurora
Dead Things by indigenous_bean
[Recs / In Search Of]
Rec request: Strong Buffy + Empty Places requested by artemisprim
[Fandom Discussions]
Analysis of Buffy and Spike's relationship in seasons 6-7 by Nothing13
[BtVS collectibles] (cont'd) by multiple authors
Making Dawn better by Mika95
Dawn is Perfect by Consistent_Insect515
Do younger siblings relate to Dawn more? by buffy0808
Can anyone help me to cope with Angel cancellation? by valerio5
Lie to me. [a thread of commenters lying to the post author] by sukidovi
J. August Richards aka Charles Gunn appreciation thread by jdpm1991
Clare Kramer by benditlikebemb
Buffy & Faith [the potential mutual attraction of] by moshmoshhh
When do you think Angel got that tattoo? by VanityInk
Best Buffy figures? by alflx
[Imagine if Angel had kept the Gem of Amara – Bangel headcanons] by buffywatching
I hated the way Riley and Buffy broke up by Kristos Nikos
Re: What do you think about... the [upcoming] novel that's meant to be a sequel to Buffy? by honeysuckle-venom
Fuck Xander and Anya for their post coital talk about ‘maybe Buffy’s the reason why her boyfriends leave’ by kristos-nikos
I needed more Tara stepping up for Dawn scenes by hello-gaynow
one of willow’s characteristics is her tendency to see herself as the smartest by lqvewillow
The funniest scene in Teacher’s Pet by snakeliciousbaby
[Xander was the right and only one to bring Dark Willow back to the Light, and the episode "Passion" shows you why] by girl4music
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
PUBLICATION: Buffy the Vampire Slayer gets a YA sequel trilogy from Disney Books by Petrana Radulovic, polygon.com
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